Saturday, November 3, 2007

Stripping ASF container trough DirectShow...

After writing post about VC-1 SDK with stripped codec from asf container, I wondered was it the only way.

Trough mine everyday work, we are stripping windows media for a long time, but then again it is not something for everyone, because of the need for custom container and streaming format we have developed for our needs.

But now, as a side product of our research I can say that stripping windows media from ASF boundaries is very easy in fact, all you need is simple DirectShow knowledge.

So, what does the graph look like?

Simple, just don't use ASF Reader, instead use AsyncFileSource, connect directly to mux and file writter.

I can only recommend matroska container format, which is as good as it gets, few light years ahead of avi and even ASF.

If you need more details, just email me.