Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Mommy & Daddy

Ok, stupid title, but with some truth inside.
How to write a better article about VC-1 & Silverlight future than it's mommy & daddy team.

You can't do it, so here is the link to Ben's blog and Encoder newsletter.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Dynamic ASX playlists...

Hi there,

little off topic, but if you ever wondered how to create dynamic ASX playlists, then here it is, one line of ASP code:

Response.ContentType = "video/x-ms-asf";

This will instruct ASP page not to use HTML content type, and enable it to write out pure ASX playlist in plain boring fashion:


Now all you need is to point your media player / silverlight to your asp page, and that's it.
All ASX functionality in dynamic package.

MS WMS PVR 2.0 iliti Nema toga što balkanac neće...

Yes it is possible, the new prototype is working just fine on windows, embedded and windows CE / windows mobile platform.

But before any drawings and how tooos, it should get at least in beta.

If you want to know more, before I put it in blog, just email.