Link to PDC Presentation...
Well, it definitely moves to right direction, complete RIA application infrastructure is building up, that's good...
I was thinking about Flash or Silverlight, and then I got an epiphany, it is not Flash vs Silverlight, but instead the war is HTML vs RIA.
HTML 5 is trying to achieve just that, won over RIA in Flash or Silverlight.
New video tag is the one of the last bastions of Flash, impossible to duplicate in old html code, but now conquered…
Will HTML 5 succeed in stealing Silverlight or Flash piece of cake?... IMHO No…
Although I really enjoy reading Google’s performance testing of javascript engines across web browsers, with usual smile – Who in the world cares about javascript performance, everything should be good enough, or we are dealing with very trigger – code happy developers, that you should avoid anyway…
So to return to Silverlight 4 announcement…
It is good, it is really good…
Let’s take printing - years ahead of similar javascript possibilities… Of course, we can compensate with fancy server-side scripting to produce similar results, but hey ?, if you already have everything you need on client, why reduplicate...
I can only imagine possible scenarios like heavy user data filtering, modeling, like pivoting etc… And then, you need either to transfer it back to server for print preparation or just use client side logic to provide fancy printing…
Silverlight 4 – html 0.