Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Friday, December 11, 2009
Zbogom prijatelju...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
PDC Windows Media Session
For all of you being slow to search and learn, here is it...
Media Foundation: Supporting Hardware Codecs and Cameras
Media Foundation: Supporting Hardware Codecs and Cameras
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Silverlight 4 – html 0
Link to PDC Presentation...
Well, it definitely moves to right direction, complete RIA application infrastructure is building up, that's good...
I was thinking about Flash or Silverlight, and then I got an epiphany, it is not Flash vs Silverlight, but instead the war is HTML vs RIA.
HTML 5 is trying to achieve just that, won over RIA in Flash or Silverlight.
New video tag is the one of the last bastions of Flash, impossible to duplicate in old html code, but now conquered…
Will HTML 5 succeed in stealing Silverlight or Flash piece of cake?... IMHO No…
Although I really enjoy reading Google’s performance testing of javascript engines across web browsers, with usual smile – Who in the world cares about javascript performance, everything should be good enough, or we are dealing with very trigger – code happy developers, that you should avoid anyway…
So to return to Silverlight 4 announcement…
It is good, it is really good…
Let’s take printing - years ahead of similar javascript possibilities… Of course, we can compensate with fancy server-side scripting to produce similar results, but hey ?, if you already have everything you need on client, why reduplicate...
I can only imagine possible scenarios like heavy user data filtering, modeling, like pivoting etc… And then, you need either to transfer it back to server for print preparation or just use client side logic to provide fancy printing…
Silverlight 4 – html 0.
Well, it definitely moves to right direction, complete RIA application infrastructure is building up, that's good...
I was thinking about Flash or Silverlight, and then I got an epiphany, it is not Flash vs Silverlight, but instead the war is HTML vs RIA.
HTML 5 is trying to achieve just that, won over RIA in Flash or Silverlight.
New video tag is the one of the last bastions of Flash, impossible to duplicate in old html code, but now conquered…
Will HTML 5 succeed in stealing Silverlight or Flash piece of cake?... IMHO No…
Although I really enjoy reading Google’s performance testing of javascript engines across web browsers, with usual smile – Who in the world cares about javascript performance, everything should be good enough, or we are dealing with very trigger – code happy developers, that you should avoid anyway…
So to return to Silverlight 4 announcement…
It is good, it is really good…
Let’s take printing - years ahead of similar javascript possibilities… Of course, we can compensate with fancy server-side scripting to produce similar results, but hey ?, if you already have everything you need on client, why reduplicate...
I can only imagine possible scenarios like heavy user data filtering, modeling, like pivoting etc… And then, you need either to transfer it back to server for print preparation or just use client side logic to provide fancy printing…
Silverlight 4 – html 0.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
So... You want Live Smooth HD without 10000+ USD?
You can't... MS doesn't want to allow...
They say, your hardware isn't strong enough...
Buuut, butt I, you try to answer with wobbling voice, I, I mean weeeee, don't neeed Full HD... aaannddd, I, I mean weeeee, and then with more strength in your tone, we have more than enough of F**** Horse Power to do it, but that's our freaking problem...
But noooo, thay say, It's not in the plans yet...
I tell you, it is conspiracy, they took Inlet help, but provided them few year of exclusive rights to sell hardware based Live Smooth HD encoders...
And we just have to cash 10000 USD per hardware encoder...
And I just hate hardware encoders...
You can't... MS doesn't want to allow...
They say, your hardware isn't strong enough...
Buuut, butt I, you try to answer with wobbling voice, I, I mean weeeee, don't neeed Full HD... aaannddd, I, I mean weeeee, and then with more strength in your tone, we have more than enough of F**** Horse Power to do it, but that's our freaking problem...
But noooo, thay say, It's not in the plans yet...
I tell you, it is conspiracy, they took Inlet help, but provided them few year of exclusive rights to sell hardware based Live Smooth HD encoders...
And we just have to cash 10000 USD per hardware encoder...
And I just hate hardware encoders...
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
CHESS: An Automated Concurrency Testing Tool
This is brilliant... I'm dedicating whole day to learn how to integrate chess into our testing process.
And already it's working :), few ugly concurrency bugs are pointed, just by focused looking to matter...
Channel 9 on Chess...
And already it's working :), few ugly concurrency bugs are pointed, just by focused looking to matter...
Channel 9 on Chess...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Is there ETI - Extra Terrestrial Intelligence?
Well, there is no evidence for ETI...
But, this opens up another question, is there TI - Terrestrial intelligence??
Just think about it, we are destroying our only plante as fast as we can... We would do it faster, but we just don't know how...
So, the conclusion arises, to find any I, ETI is our only hope.
But, this opens up another question, is there TI - Terrestrial intelligence??
Just think about it, we are destroying our only plante as fast as we can... We would do it faster, but we just don't know how...
So, the conclusion arises, to find any I, ETI is our only hope.
My biggest problem currently is shutdown...
Well, at the moment, we are failing to come up with reliable windows shutdown code. After few generations of working code, following recent security OS updates, we are unable to have trustworthy shutdown...
And that really is not helping my day...
But, what an Idiot I am, just one look at following movie, helped me realize that I'm a spoiled moron.
And that really is not helping my day...
But, what an Idiot I am, just one look at following movie, helped me realize that I'm a spoiled moron.
Silverlight Obtaining transformed UIElements screen size...
// Obtain transform information based off root element
GeneralTransform gt = element.TransformToVisual(Application.Current.RootVisual);
// Find the four corners of the element
Point topLeft = gt.Transform(new Point(0, 0));
Point topRight = gt.Transform(new Point(element.RenderSize.Width, 0));
Point bottomLeft = gt.Transform(new Point(0, element.RenderSize.Height));
Point bottomRight = gt.Transform(new Point(element.RenderSize.Width, element.RenderSize.Height));
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
Beauty in simplicity of English vs richness of Croatian
English simplicity:
Hrvatsko Bogatstvo
*Pičić* - zgodna mlada djevojka
*Pizda* - (žargonski) ženski spolni organ
*Pizda* - (od čovjeka) - neodlučan čovjek bez vlastite volje,
bojažljiv, pokvaren, podlac itd.
*Pizda* - (žargonski) - zgodna djevojka uređena pomalo
droljasto, pretežno zamijećena na putu ili u izlasku.
*Pizdača* - lukava djevojka
*Opizditi* - udariti o nešto svom snagom, udariti u nešto svom
snagom, udariti nekog svom snagom
*Popizditi* - Poluditi od bijesa, razbjesniti se, zapjeniti se,
sportski se pozitivno napaliti, nanizati pozitivan skor.
*Zapizditi* - ubosti nešto, nešto naglo dati, dati (primjerice) lošu
ocjenu u dnevnik
*Pizditi* - ljutiti se, biti zavidan, biti nervozan, njurgati
bez veze
*Ispizditi* - dobiti na živce od čekanja ili radi nečijeg
*Napizditi* - naljutiti prekomjerno
*Dopizditi* - dodijati, postati nepodnošljivo dosadan
*Pizdun* - niškoristi čovjek koji je zabadalo i stalno prigovara
*Pizda stara* - pozitivno označavanje nekog tko je prošao sve i svašta
*Pizdurina* - pozitivno označavanje nekog tko je prošao sve i svašta
*Pizda materina* (Koja pizda materina?) - što se događa, (ljutito - u ovom
*Pizda materina* (Koju pizda materina?) - što me trebaš, (ljutito - u ovom
*Pizda materina* (Ajde u pizdu materinu) - vrati se od tamo odakle si došao
(u ovom slučaju)
*Pizda strinina* (A u pizdu strininu) - Ovo mi se nije trebalo dogoditi (u
ovom slučaju)
*Pizda strinina* (Ajde u pizdu strininu) - Ma daaj, nemoj me zafrkavati (u
ovom slučaju)
*Pička strinina/materina* i sl (vidi pod pizda, samo u ovom slučaju pička
označava veću razinu ljutnje)
*Pička materina* (Ajde u pičku materinu) - vrati se od tamo odakle si došao
(u ovom slučaju)
*Razbiti pizdu* - sam se stući, pasti, razbiti se i sl...
*Razbiti pičku* - nekoga istući, pretući i sl.
*Dobiti po pički*- primiti batine od nekog
*Pizdin dim* - oznaka za nešto što je niškoristi, bezvrijedno
*Pičkin dim * - vidi pizdin dim
*Pizdica* - ime za jednu vrstu školjke
*Spižđen* - kada si u kurcu - odnosno kad nisi od volje
*Pripizdina* - neko mjesto bogu iza leđa, tako nekako
*Pizdarija* - (kako li sam ovu riječ mogao zaboraviti ) - sranje
(lol), iliti svinjarija iliti nešto jako loše se dogodilo
*Pizdarija* - neki lagani problem koji se u tren može riješiti
*Pizdarija* - neki teški problem koji se ne može baš tako lako
*Strmopizditi* - strmoglaviti, srušiti, naglo pasti...
*Pičkica* - vidi pod pička u drugom primjeru, no uz dozu
feminizacije (pogrdno je upućeno muškom rodu).
*Pička ti materina* - pogrdna psovka, nema određeno značenje...
*Pička ti se ogadila* - pogrdna psovka...
*Oću pičku materinu* - duži način za reći neću (često se koristi kod
izražavanja straha za napravit nešto)
*Spičkati se* - pasti, razbiti se i sl.
*Spičkati se* - srediti se (za cure) do bola
*Spičkati nešto* - (novac primjerice) izgubiti nešto na glup način
*Je ti pičku materinu* - duži i konkretniji način za reći "Nije"
*A u pičku materinu* - ajme što sam napravio/la
*Ona pička materina* - određena stvar koja kojoj se trenutno ne možeš
sjetiti imena
*Dobar u pičku materinu* - jednostavno predobar
*Pičkotehničar* - ginekolog
*Kurac* (žargonski) - muški spolni organ
*Kurac* - pojam za neku određenu neimenovanu stvar
*Kurac!* - uzvik kad nešto loše napraviš, promašiš (u sportu) i sl.
*Kurac* (onaj tamo) - oznaka za nekog tko ti ide na živce
*Ajde/mrš/goni se u Kurac* - slično ajde u pičku materinu, odnosno, vrati
se odakle si došao
*Kurčina* - neka loša stvar koja se dogodila (inače veliki kurac)
*Za kurac* - za ništa, bez veze, đabe, mukte...
*Kurčenje* - hvalisanje
*Ići na kurac* - biti iritantno dosadan
*Skinuti s kurca* - otarasiti se nekog
*Evo ti kurac* - nećeš dobiti ništa
*Koji si ti kurac* - koji si ti faktor
*Kurac ću to napraviti* - neću to napraviti
*Kurčić* - nevažna osoba, nebitan faktor (inače mali kurac)
*Boli me kurac* - nije mi bitno, nije me briga, ravnodušan sam
*Zaboli me kurac* - ne smeta mi uopće
*Kurac od ovce* - piece of cake, nešto lagano za napraviti ili bezvrijedno
*Kurac od tovara*- mogu misliti da ćeš to napraviti
*Od kurca*- za ništa, nikakav, bezvoljan
*Koji ti je kurac *- što ti je
*Skurcan *- kada si bezvoljan, nikakav
*Kurac od covjeka *- vidi govno od covjeka samo malo zesce
*Preko kurca *- raditi nešto preko volje
*Nabiti na kurac *- "srediti nekog" u tren
*Sranje* - otprilike bi to bilo kao ono što ostane nakon obavljanja velike
*Sranje* - nedaća, nevolja, nesreća
*Sranje* - nešto što ne vrijedi
*Seronja* - onaj koji je bez veze, dosadan, loš čovjek
*Serator* - onaj koji voli previše neistinito pričati
*Srati* - obavljati veliku nuždu
*Srati* - bez veze govoriti
*Srati* - neistinito govoriti
*Srati*- Loše govoriti
*Seruckati/kenjkati* - otprilike sve ovo navedeno u zadnja tri posta sa
dozom dosade
*Izasrati* - onečistiti
*Prosrati* - izvaliti nešto
*Usrati *- uništiti nešto, pokvariti nešto
*Nasrati* - napričati mnogo lošega od nekom, nečem....
*Zasrati *- pokvariti nešto što je prije jako lijepo funkcioniralo (ljudske
odnose pretežito)
*Posrati se *- nešto napraviti i osramotiti se pritom (inače, obaviti
veliku nuždu)
*Sranjsko* - loše
*Srati govna/kvake *- gluposti pričati
*Seri, seri *- samo ti zafrkavaj, samo ti ogovaraj (u negativnom kontekstu)
*Sranje na kvadrat *- veliko sranje - velika nevolja
*Nekoga usrati *- svojom akcijom kod nekoga izazvati reakciju da se taj
*Guzica* - (žargonski) - a što je guzica i kako se pravilno kaže, but, tur,
guz, guzovi, zadnjica, stražnjica...
*Guzica* - jako sretan čovjek, ona/j kojoj/jemu ide sve od ruke...
*Guzonja* - osoba sa visokom statusnom pozicijom (pretežno vezano uz
poslovni svijet)
*Prdonja* - riječ koja se veže uza guzicu a označava mahom starije osobe,
pritom zanovjetala
*Guziti se* - gurati se negdje, ulagivati se (inače postavka tijela)
*Guziti se* - jebati se u guzicu (pretežno se odnosi na muški rod)
*Naguziti* - nekoga zafrknuti, pobijediti, udariti s autom i sl. (inače,
sve vezano uz gornji pojam)
*Dati guzice* - prodati se, pregristi svoj ponos, (da, i ono što svi
*Guz* - seksi ime za guzicu (pretežno se odnosi na ženski dio)
*Guzičetina* - veliki sretnik (inače, ogromna guzica)
*Guzonjin sin* - sin neke glavešine
*Guzovi* - polutke stražnjice
*Uguziti se* - uvaliti se nekome ili negdje
*Jebanje* - (žargonski) spolni čin (nije važan spol)
*Jebati* - zafrkavati nekog
*Zajebati* - zafrknuti nekog
*Najebati* - dolijati, nastradati
*Pojebati* - spolno općiti (po mogućnosti sa više osoba)
*Odjebati* - odkantati nekoga, otpisati nekoga
*Izjebati* - izmučiti nekoga, iživcirati nekoga
*Sjebati* - prevariti nekoga, zafrknuti nekoga
*Jebem ti mater* - učestala uvrijedljiva psovka
*Jebo te led* - vidi pod koji ti je kurac
*Jebo te led*- znaš što mi se dogodilo
*Jebo te pas*- daj, nemoj me zafrkavati
*Jebivjetar* - mutikaša
*Jebozovan/na*- zamaman/zamamna
*Jebada *- stvar koju je teško napraviti
*Jebena* - dobra, izazovna
*Jebena* (pirmjerice škola) - samo naglašavanje značenja, u smislu "Ova
bezvezna škola"
*Jebo te *(primjerice "ne moj, jebo te") - nemoj, ako Boga znaš
*Zajeb* - greška
*Odjeb* - otkantavanje
*Nenadjebiv* - neodoljiv, originalan
*Prejeben* - predobar
*Jeben*- dobar (inače, onaj/ona kome se "pružio" čin seksa)
Hrvatsko Bogatstvo
*Pičić* - zgodna mlada djevojka
*Pizda* - (žargonski) ženski spolni organ
*Pizda* - (od čovjeka) - neodlučan čovjek bez vlastite volje,
bojažljiv, pokvaren, podlac itd.
*Pizda* - (žargonski) - zgodna djevojka uređena pomalo
droljasto, pretežno zamijećena na putu ili u izlasku.
*Pizdača* - lukava djevojka
*Opizditi* - udariti o nešto svom snagom, udariti u nešto svom
snagom, udariti nekog svom snagom
*Popizditi* - Poluditi od bijesa, razbjesniti se, zapjeniti se,
sportski se pozitivno napaliti, nanizati pozitivan skor.
*Zapizditi* - ubosti nešto, nešto naglo dati, dati (primjerice) lošu
ocjenu u dnevnik
*Pizditi* - ljutiti se, biti zavidan, biti nervozan, njurgati
bez veze
*Ispizditi* - dobiti na živce od čekanja ili radi nečijeg
*Napizditi* - naljutiti prekomjerno
*Dopizditi* - dodijati, postati nepodnošljivo dosadan
*Pizdun* - niškoristi čovjek koji je zabadalo i stalno prigovara
*Pizda stara* - pozitivno označavanje nekog tko je prošao sve i svašta
*Pizdurina* - pozitivno označavanje nekog tko je prošao sve i svašta
*Pizda materina* (Koja pizda materina?) - što se događa, (ljutito - u ovom
*Pizda materina* (Koju pizda materina?) - što me trebaš, (ljutito - u ovom
*Pizda materina* (Ajde u pizdu materinu) - vrati se od tamo odakle si došao
(u ovom slučaju)
*Pizda strinina* (A u pizdu strininu) - Ovo mi se nije trebalo dogoditi (u
ovom slučaju)
*Pizda strinina* (Ajde u pizdu strininu) - Ma daaj, nemoj me zafrkavati (u
ovom slučaju)
*Pička strinina/materina* i sl (vidi pod pizda, samo u ovom slučaju pička
označava veću razinu ljutnje)
*Pička materina* (Ajde u pičku materinu) - vrati se od tamo odakle si došao
(u ovom slučaju)
*Razbiti pizdu* - sam se stući, pasti, razbiti se i sl...
*Razbiti pičku* - nekoga istući, pretući i sl.
*Dobiti po pički*- primiti batine od nekog
*Pizdin dim* - oznaka za nešto što je niškoristi, bezvrijedno
*Pičkin dim * - vidi pizdin dim
*Pizdica* - ime za jednu vrstu školjke
*Spižđen* - kada si u kurcu - odnosno kad nisi od volje
*Pripizdina* - neko mjesto bogu iza leđa, tako nekako
*Pizdarija* - (kako li sam ovu riječ mogao zaboraviti ) - sranje
(lol), iliti svinjarija iliti nešto jako loše se dogodilo
*Pizdarija* - neki lagani problem koji se u tren može riješiti
*Pizdarija* - neki teški problem koji se ne može baš tako lako
*Strmopizditi* - strmoglaviti, srušiti, naglo pasti...
*Pičkica* - vidi pod pička u drugom primjeru, no uz dozu
feminizacije (pogrdno je upućeno muškom rodu).
*Pička ti materina* - pogrdna psovka, nema određeno značenje...
*Pička ti se ogadila* - pogrdna psovka...
*Oću pičku materinu* - duži način za reći neću (često se koristi kod
izražavanja straha za napravit nešto)
*Spičkati se* - pasti, razbiti se i sl.
*Spičkati se* - srediti se (za cure) do bola
*Spičkati nešto* - (novac primjerice) izgubiti nešto na glup način
*Je ti pičku materinu* - duži i konkretniji način za reći "Nije"
*A u pičku materinu* - ajme što sam napravio/la
*Ona pička materina* - određena stvar koja kojoj se trenutno ne možeš
sjetiti imena
*Dobar u pičku materinu* - jednostavno predobar
*Pičkotehničar* - ginekolog
*Kurac* (žargonski) - muški spolni organ
*Kurac* - pojam za neku određenu neimenovanu stvar
*Kurac!* - uzvik kad nešto loše napraviš, promašiš (u sportu) i sl.
*Kurac* (onaj tamo) - oznaka za nekog tko ti ide na živce
*Ajde/mrš/goni se u Kurac* - slično ajde u pičku materinu, odnosno, vrati
se odakle si došao
*Kurčina* - neka loša stvar koja se dogodila (inače veliki kurac)
*Za kurac* - za ništa, bez veze, đabe, mukte...
*Kurčenje* - hvalisanje
*Ići na kurac* - biti iritantno dosadan
*Skinuti s kurca* - otarasiti se nekog
*Evo ti kurac* - nećeš dobiti ništa
*Koji si ti kurac* - koji si ti faktor
*Kurac ću to napraviti* - neću to napraviti
*Kurčić* - nevažna osoba, nebitan faktor (inače mali kurac)
*Boli me kurac* - nije mi bitno, nije me briga, ravnodušan sam
*Zaboli me kurac* - ne smeta mi uopće
*Kurac od ovce* - piece of cake, nešto lagano za napraviti ili bezvrijedno
*Kurac od tovara*- mogu misliti da ćeš to napraviti
*Od kurca*- za ništa, nikakav, bezvoljan
*Koji ti je kurac *- što ti je
*Skurcan *- kada si bezvoljan, nikakav
*Kurac od covjeka *- vidi govno od covjeka samo malo zesce
*Preko kurca *- raditi nešto preko volje
*Nabiti na kurac *- "srediti nekog" u tren
*Sranje* - otprilike bi to bilo kao ono što ostane nakon obavljanja velike
*Sranje* - nedaća, nevolja, nesreća
*Sranje* - nešto što ne vrijedi
*Seronja* - onaj koji je bez veze, dosadan, loš čovjek
*Serator* - onaj koji voli previše neistinito pričati
*Srati* - obavljati veliku nuždu
*Srati* - bez veze govoriti
*Srati* - neistinito govoriti
*Srati*- Loše govoriti
*Seruckati/kenjkati* - otprilike sve ovo navedeno u zadnja tri posta sa
dozom dosade
*Izasrati* - onečistiti
*Prosrati* - izvaliti nešto
*Usrati *- uništiti nešto, pokvariti nešto
*Nasrati* - napričati mnogo lošega od nekom, nečem....
*Zasrati *- pokvariti nešto što je prije jako lijepo funkcioniralo (ljudske
odnose pretežito)
*Posrati se *- nešto napraviti i osramotiti se pritom (inače, obaviti
veliku nuždu)
*Sranjsko* - loše
*Srati govna/kvake *- gluposti pričati
*Seri, seri *- samo ti zafrkavaj, samo ti ogovaraj (u negativnom kontekstu)
*Sranje na kvadrat *- veliko sranje - velika nevolja
*Nekoga usrati *- svojom akcijom kod nekoga izazvati reakciju da se taj
*Guzica* - (žargonski) - a što je guzica i kako se pravilno kaže, but, tur,
guz, guzovi, zadnjica, stražnjica...
*Guzica* - jako sretan čovjek, ona/j kojoj/jemu ide sve od ruke...
*Guzonja* - osoba sa visokom statusnom pozicijom (pretežno vezano uz
poslovni svijet)
*Prdonja* - riječ koja se veže uza guzicu a označava mahom starije osobe,
pritom zanovjetala
*Guziti se* - gurati se negdje, ulagivati se (inače postavka tijela)
*Guziti se* - jebati se u guzicu (pretežno se odnosi na muški rod)
*Naguziti* - nekoga zafrknuti, pobijediti, udariti s autom i sl. (inače,
sve vezano uz gornji pojam)
*Dati guzice* - prodati se, pregristi svoj ponos, (da, i ono što svi
*Guz* - seksi ime za guzicu (pretežno se odnosi na ženski dio)
*Guzičetina* - veliki sretnik (inače, ogromna guzica)
*Guzonjin sin* - sin neke glavešine
*Guzovi* - polutke stražnjice
*Uguziti se* - uvaliti se nekome ili negdje
*Jebanje* - (žargonski) spolni čin (nije važan spol)
*Jebati* - zafrkavati nekog
*Zajebati* - zafrknuti nekog
*Najebati* - dolijati, nastradati
*Pojebati* - spolno općiti (po mogućnosti sa više osoba)
*Odjebati* - odkantati nekoga, otpisati nekoga
*Izjebati* - izmučiti nekoga, iživcirati nekoga
*Sjebati* - prevariti nekoga, zafrknuti nekoga
*Jebem ti mater* - učestala uvrijedljiva psovka
*Jebo te led* - vidi pod koji ti je kurac
*Jebo te led*- znaš što mi se dogodilo
*Jebo te pas*- daj, nemoj me zafrkavati
*Jebivjetar* - mutikaša
*Jebozovan/na*- zamaman/zamamna
*Jebada *- stvar koju je teško napraviti
*Jebena* - dobra, izazovna
*Jebena* (pirmjerice škola) - samo naglašavanje značenja, u smislu "Ova
bezvezna škola"
*Jebo te *(primjerice "ne moj, jebo te") - nemoj, ako Boga znaš
*Zajeb* - greška
*Odjeb* - otkantavanje
*Nenadjebiv* - neodoljiv, originalan
*Prejeben* - predobar
*Jeben*- dobar (inače, onaj/ona kome se "pružio" čin seksa)
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I likeD Firefox...
1. Extremely slow to start - ok, I could live with that...
2. Can't render some pages that work perfectly fine inside IE and Chrome - not really something to be proud of, but can be worked out with IE plugin..
3. Has problems with Silverlight - NOT OK....
There is no free lunch is high point again...
So, I can forecast this future: Firefox (in which I'm writing even now) is going to drop popularity over time... IE, Chrome & Safari are going to rule the bunch...
Open source community usually forgets that programmers have to eat, and we all know that only fat programmers are good ones, from movies of course...
All that combined into single conclusion equals commercial work will prevail...
When you have famous height="100%" issue in firefox regarding Silverlight object, check this site:
Firefox and the 100% DIV revisited
2. Can't render some pages that work perfectly fine inside IE and Chrome - not really something to be proud of, but can be worked out with IE plugin..
3. Has problems with Silverlight - NOT OK....
There is no free lunch is high point again...
So, I can forecast this future: Firefox (in which I'm writing even now) is going to drop popularity over time... IE, Chrome & Safari are going to rule the bunch...
Open source community usually forgets that programmers have to eat, and we all know that only fat programmers are good ones, from movies of course...
All that combined into single conclusion equals commercial work will prevail...
When you have famous height="100%" issue in firefox regarding Silverlight object, check this site:
Firefox and the 100% DIV revisited
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Live Smooth HD Encoding...
Well, yeah... You can't do it with Microsoft Expression Encoder 3 for now.
They've introduced functional Live encoding, they've introduced Object Model and SDK that are solid, but they've slipped that little support for Live SmoothHD encoding.
So, what's the buzz, actually who needs live smooth hd?
From what source signal?
Reencode already too low quality from DVB-S sources?
The answer is, we don't need Smooth HD live encoding, we would really benefit from Smooth Standard Definition live encoding, harvesting on many benefits from http default proxy caching to really nice scalability for output bit-rates and of course instant start...
And last, not less important - Add audio scalable smooth sub stream switching support :)
They've introduced functional Live encoding, they've introduced Object Model and SDK that are solid, but they've slipped that little support for Live SmoothHD encoding.
So, what's the buzz, actually who needs live smooth hd?
From what source signal?
Reencode already too low quality from DVB-S sources?
The answer is, we don't need Smooth HD live encoding, we would really benefit from Smooth Standard Definition live encoding, harvesting on many benefits from http default proxy caching to really nice scalability for output bit-rates and of course instant start...
And last, not less important - Add audio scalable smooth sub stream switching support :)
Friday, August 21, 2009
Why old women shouldn't drive...
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Friday, July 31, 2009
:( E Jebi Ga...
Na svu srecu, stranci koji eventualno zalutaju na ovaj blog ne razumiju bantu jezik naroda koji ima ljudi kao predgradje postenog grada...
Sto manji narod, to veci Kraljevi, Predsjednici i Premijeri i ostali paraziti, samodostatni, samoobjasnjivi, sve "samo" osim samo-nahranjivi...
Sramota me da sam Hrvat, jer nosim barem dio odgovornosti za ove kretene na vlasti...
Razlozi za ljutnju su poznati, interesantan je samo povod - Jadranka Kosor se naljutila na kamermana!? koji je imao nepodobnu majicu....
Kamermana privatne tvrtke koji je obukao majicu s natpisom na Stranom jeziku s citatom koji mami osmijeh na lice, dakle vicem...
I sad je dobio otkaz...
Za nasu Vladu, za nasu Jadranku Kosor, sve je vic, osim vica...
Sto manji narod, to veci Kraljevi, Predsjednici i Premijeri i ostali paraziti, samodostatni, samoobjasnjivi, sve "samo" osim samo-nahranjivi...
Sramota me da sam Hrvat, jer nosim barem dio odgovornosti za ove kretene na vlasti...
Razlozi za ljutnju su poznati, interesantan je samo povod - Jadranka Kosor se naljutila na kamermana!? koji je imao nepodobnu majicu....
Kamermana privatne tvrtke koji je obukao majicu s natpisom na Stranom jeziku s citatom koji mami osmijeh na lice, dakle vicem...
I sad je dobio otkaz...
Za nasu Vladu, za nasu Jadranku Kosor, sve je vic, osim vica...
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Mea Culpa & Microsoft always do it by 3rd version...
Microsoft Expression Encoder v3 is coming with complete Live support and API to automate it.
So, I admit my mistake, MS Expression team guys are not morons, they are just Microsoft. And Microsoft never did complete job before third version.
So, Mea Culpa, King is dead (Media Encoder), Long Live the King (Expression Encoder).
Smooth HD, here we come..
So, I admit my mistake, MS Expression team guys are not morons, they are just Microsoft. And Microsoft never did complete job before third version.
So, Mea Culpa, King is dead (Media Encoder), Long Live the King (Expression Encoder).
Smooth HD, here we come..
ISO/IEC 14496-12:2005
Ugly name for a beautiful thing :)
Although not new, because of it's use in Smooth HD technology, this standard will become wide as wide spread it can be...
I will publish few more posts how to deal with this new toy, how to open it, how to process, analyze, generate etc :)
So, stay tuned :)
Although not new, because of it's use in Smooth HD technology, this standard will become wide as wide spread it can be...
I will publish few more posts how to deal with this new toy, how to open it, how to process, analyze, generate etc :)
So, stay tuned :)
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Banana Trees...
So, how to put it gently?
Expression Encoder Team is either restrained by dark force of Marketing & Bussines idiots or by their mental capacity.
How difficult is to execute "Encoder.exe CustomUserLiveJob.XEL" from command line.
After so many years, somebody must be punished, just for a change. All these years us - small & stupid & users are being punished by stupid decision or plain stupidity, maybe to change ball to other side.
Microsoft is loosing it. They get out with product like IIS MS and Smooth HD, but without encoders. They release incomplete platform and force community to use 3rd party tools without any alternative.
Come on, it is recession, there are Free Gurus on the market, employ them!
Expression Encoder Team is either restrained by dark force of Marketing & Bussines idiots or by their mental capacity.
How difficult is to execute "Encoder.exe CustomUserLiveJob.XEL" from command line.
After so many years, somebody must be punished, just for a change. All these years us - small & stupid & users are being punished by stupid decision or plain stupidity, maybe to change ball to other side.
Microsoft is loosing it. They get out with product like IIS MS and Smooth HD, but without encoders. They release incomplete platform and force community to use 3rd party tools without any alternative.
Come on, it is recession, there are Free Gurus on the market, employ them!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Monday, June 15, 2009
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Two greatest Freedom Applications...
Skype for Windows Mobile
Facebook for Windows Mobile
Of course mobile email, but :), that is too old to mention.
I won my freedom :D
Facebook for Windows Mobile
Of course mobile email, but :), that is too old to mention.
I won my freedom :D
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Eight cows are better than one - Máo Zédōng
Ok, original said two cows in original, but anyway, Microsft Team got us a new toy :)
8 core WM processing for WMF based applications. Full HD is here :)
And now we are getting somewhere, finally a reason to buy post XP Windows...
8 core WM processing for WMF based applications. Full HD is here :)
And now we are getting somewhere, finally a reason to buy post XP Windows...
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
When Google uses Microsoft :)
Yes yes...
They do :)
At least they are testing...
YouTube Live powered by Silverlight :)
They do :)
At least they are testing...
YouTube Live powered by Silverlight :)
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
What's new in Silverlight 3
Well, read from people who made it :)
But it appears that some things are still missing, most important is authentication support when streaming from protected WMS publishing points.
Also, better integration with IIS authentication, using same security context, simplified - having single sign on, when web browser is authenticated against IIS, that Silverlight can use that context when dealing with WMS.
Well, maybe in Silverlight 4 :(
But it appears that some things are still missing, most important is authentication support when streaming from protected WMS publishing points.
Also, better integration with IIS authentication, using same security context, simplified - having single sign on, when web browser is authenticated against IIS, that Silverlight can use that context when dealing with WMS.
Well, maybe in Silverlight 4 :(
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
IIS Media Services
They dumped the old name, no more Media Pack.
But that's not really worth of blogging.
But this one IS!
Live Smooth Streaming
Can it be? Is it?
For now, it is not really clear is this true server side PVR or not.
But, this is start, they acknowledged the need, and trying to solve it.
Go go boys, you're on a winning strike with this one.
But that's not really worth of blogging.
But this one IS!
Live Smooth Streaming
Can it be? Is it?
For now, it is not really clear is this true server side PVR or not.
But, this is start, they acknowledged the need, and trying to solve it.
Go go boys, you're on a winning strike with this one.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Google Latitude - Hardware is Dead, Long Live The Software King
Ok, title is stupid.
But there is some truth inside. Hardware is necessary to evolve in front of software, physically it has to.
But in recent years we see the same old software just sitting on steep hardware improvement curve. Multiple CPU cores, APIs offering HUGE power of GPUs for general calculations, hard drives still increasing size exponentially, network bandwidths doubling every now and then.
And what software is doing in mean time? Doubling installation size. Adding meaningless features with huge speed impact, like idiotic menus inside Visual Studio. Each time you enter Debug menu, VS needs to search around your code for break points, analyze them, just to enable / disable features in menu.
Who in the hell cares if there are any break points in my files, when I want to delete them all. If there are any, delete otherwise just shut-up.
Providing that huge stream of pre and return information, about so many things that really nobody cares about, is making bloatware software.
And here is some fresh wind finally, Google Latitude.
Every mobile phone in five years will come with GPS, even today majority of better phones are GPS enabled. And what can you do with it?
See where you are? Great. What else? You can see map. Great. You can navigate somewhere? Great.
All that was possible 10 TEN years ago. What's new? They managed to put it into phone? So what. That phone has more processing power than supercomputers 20 years ago, when I was reading about supercomputers. And I not that old.
This article is not about Latitude, or about great hardware.
Instead it is simple cry for software being developed from people with absolutely no imagination. Most of today new software features are being developed just because they can be developed.
Come on people, stop typing code.
Start Imagining! Start Inventing!
But there is some truth inside. Hardware is necessary to evolve in front of software, physically it has to.
But in recent years we see the same old software just sitting on steep hardware improvement curve. Multiple CPU cores, APIs offering HUGE power of GPUs for general calculations, hard drives still increasing size exponentially, network bandwidths doubling every now and then.
And what software is doing in mean time? Doubling installation size. Adding meaningless features with huge speed impact, like idiotic menus inside Visual Studio. Each time you enter Debug menu, VS needs to search around your code for break points, analyze them, just to enable / disable features in menu.
Who in the hell cares if there are any break points in my files, when I want to delete them all. If there are any, delete otherwise just shut-up.
Providing that huge stream of pre and return information, about so many things that really nobody cares about, is making bloatware software.
And here is some fresh wind finally, Google Latitude.
Every mobile phone in five years will come with GPS, even today majority of better phones are GPS enabled. And what can you do with it?
See where you are? Great. What else? You can see map. Great. You can navigate somewhere? Great.
All that was possible 10 TEN years ago. What's new? They managed to put it into phone? So what. That phone has more processing power than supercomputers 20 years ago, when I was reading about supercomputers. And I not that old.
This article is not about Latitude, or about great hardware.
Instead it is simple cry for software being developed from people with absolutely no imagination. Most of today new software features are being developed just because they can be developed.
Come on people, stop typing code.
Start Imagining! Start Inventing!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
MS Surface is getting out of a fun tech
Into great platform for next gen serious applications.
And what can be more death serious then heart surgery?
See this amazing demo HERE.
And what can be more death serious then heart surgery?
See this amazing demo HERE.
Skyfire - is there finally a decent mobile browser?
Maybe, I can't really tell, because it is gettable only in US and Canada. Too bad, it looks great on demo and specs. But please try, and give me some feedback :)
Reach out technology
How to connect physical world with digital info from internet, directly.
Easily - MS TAG Barcode.
Not yet another technology, but more a forerunner of digital info reaching out, and it will reach.
Be in first wave, develop with it. We will.
How to connect physical world with digital info from internet, directly.
Easily - MS TAG Barcode.
Not yet another technology, but more a forerunner of digital info reaching out, and it will reach.
Be in first wave, develop with it. We will.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
You have questions about your ASF Files?
No problem, use this tool Windows Media® ASF Viewer 9 Series
for in-depth analysis of your asf files, encoding process and other very intimate stuff you need to know for professional windows media work.
Don't say you didn't use it before calling me for obvious problems :)
for in-depth analysis of your asf files, encoding process and other very intimate stuff you need to know for professional windows media work.
Don't say you didn't use it before calling me for obvious problems :)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Curse of Vista - Bless of Windows 7 :: Media Foundation
Vista is strange OS, excellent in so many areas, but overall package always missing the point somehow.
Media Foundation is similar, why in the earth would you like to switch from DirectShow and broad XP support by paying hefty fee of C++ developers time to upgrade to newer Media Foundation Vista specific?
On first look it seems like Curse Of Vista, simply all Vista specific things didn't really enter developers main stream.
So here it is, new Windows 7 Media Foundation.
I've read few "what's new"s like this one:
and I'm still not convinced that I should spend a minute by upgrading to it.
But there is a possibility that Course of Vista will transcend to something like Bless of Windows 7, so stay tuned for reports from real life, mainly performance upgrades.
Media Foundation is similar, why in the earth would you like to switch from DirectShow and broad XP support by paying hefty fee of C++ developers time to upgrade to newer Media Foundation Vista specific?
On first look it seems like Curse Of Vista, simply all Vista specific things didn't really enter developers main stream.
So here it is, new Windows 7 Media Foundation.
I've read few "what's new"s like this one:
and I'm still not convinced that I should spend a minute by upgrading to it.
But there is a possibility that Course of Vista will transcend to something like Bless of Windows 7, so stay tuned for reports from real life, mainly performance upgrades.
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