We had a long and thoughtful conversation about repercussions of MS Surface to user experience.
Together with Internet, cloud computing and social networking on large scale, Surface will become the messenger of new era, integrated smart technology.
Like all things new inventions with introduction of radical approach changes, Surface will change everything. Not that smart tables are needed, now or in future, but because of fundamental change in user experience.
For years in past, I've been preaching about, soon beginning, a new era in computer experiences. We have reached a milestone point in evolution of current technology, and accidentally, most overseen and beaten OS - Vista is the one that changed it all, but no one noticed it :)
WPF - Windows Presentation Framework is the one responsible for dome of a new era in experiences. For last three years of Vista being around, developers have been playing with new tool, learning, feeling, touching, but not much else :)
A now, the first born of a new age is here, soon we will all meet a prince of the future - Surface.
And in a blink of an eye, Surface will change, adopt, evolve into all different kinds of appliances and into our world.
You can trust me on this one, in ten years, Surface will be everywhere. On TV, on kitchen table, on fridge, on floor, on wall, on windows....
We will expect that every single surface in our surrounding get alive on our touch or presence, and serve us with passion.