Wednesday, November 26, 2008

When moving Virtual machine from VPC to HyperV

If virtual machine bus is disabled, follow this procedure:

Did this vm originally come from Virtual Server or Virtual PC? Or did you create it from scratch in Hyper-V?

When a Vista or 2008 vm comes from VS or VPC, you need to:

1. run msconfig
2. go to the Boot tab
3. click the Advanced options button
4. check Detect HAL
5. click OK
6. click OK
7. reboot the vm
8. apply Integration Services

(from John Paul Cook)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Why slow down :)

Well, simply putted :) We are moving into production :)
2 years of preparation, and new grand entrance :)

And yes :) There is always something more to add, test, reconsider, rethink, redo...

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Peek inside Smooth HD

From great James Clark blog

Little peek inside Smooth HD functionality, encoding issues and real life usage.

Power of IIS 7 Media Pack

Few weeks in advance of regional MS conference, called Advanced Technology Day in Zagreb, Croatia, I've was asked to talk about Windows Media Services in 2008 server.

Great :) I like to talk, no problem.

Presentation draft was finished few days latter with about 15 slides, more then enough to show news in WMS 2008.

But then IIS 7 Media Pack happened, SmoothHD, Bit Throttling, ISX etc etc....

In final presentation there was only one WMS 2008 slide, and reset was IIS Media Pack :)

First glimpse of incoming player on Media Server market.